Thursday 5 November 2015

Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats for Schools & Businesses

Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats

I first met Dr de Bono in person in year 2000, after I'd been accredited as a trainer in his Six Thinking Hats and DATT - Direct Attention Thinking Tools. This meeting was held in London for a large group of European de Bono Trainers for a refresher training session.

I've always thought that "thinking" is fundamental to human development and human happiness; and that better thinking is a prerequisite to ending wars and solving human problems. In fact, one of my first clients, a teacher, in 1999, wrote to me saying that the course she had taken with me "helped lessen stress and solve problems more easily."

It's difficult for many people to understand that something so simple can be so powerful. That "something" is the use of thinking skills. Thinking skills are tools that work with perceptual logic in order to open up thinking, develop creativity, and make what should be obvious into a practical skill. Thinking isn't natural because the prevalence of emotions usually clouds thinking. Clear thinking involves lateral thinking, creativity, the ability to generate relevant factors, see other people's views, create alternatives, and develop priorities.

Edward de Bono devised 60 thinking tools called CoRT way back in 1970 and by 1976 he personally had taught 120,000 people how to think. CoRT stands for Cognitive Research Trust and is based in Cambridge. Through Dr de Bono's many books and his training programmes I have improved my own thinking and helped others improve theirs. Improved thinking affects every area of life, personal, family, education and business.

Dennis R Perrin

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